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The Mighty Mars Rover
by Elizabeth Rusch

I love Rovers. This book talks a lot about them, and tells you about how they are made, what the wheels are made of, and how they work. When Rovers are going to Mars, it generates a lot of heat, so they need heat shields. My favorite part was when they talked about the wheels being made of aluminum. I would recommend this book to people who like space.

Cool Stuff 2.0
by Chris Woodford

This book is about technology. It tells you about how everything that is technology works. For example, it tells you about the Mars Rovers Curiosity and Opportunity. It talks about race cars and robots and a lot of stuff. My favorite part was when they showed a robot kitty. I recommend this book for people who like technology.

The Action Bible
by Sergio Cariello

This book has a lot of stories about God. You find as your read a lot of stories, like the story of Moses, that God is in every single story. My favorite part was when a man killed a lion singlehanded. I recommend this book to everyone.

The Underground Railroad
by Allison Lassieur

This book is about the Underground Railroad. It talks about how slaves run to freedom, people who help slaves escape, and slave catchers. I recommend this book for everyone.

Civil War Interactive History Adventure
by Matt Doeden

This book is about the Civil War. In the book you get to decide what you want to do, like be a soldier, and there are lots of choices you can make. My favorite part was when General Stonewall Jackson was shot accidentally by his own troops, called “friendly fire.” I recommend this book for everyone

Neighborhood Sharks
by Katherine Roy

This book is about sharks that live close to humans. It tells you about sharks and how they behave. Sharks can move through the water in complete silence. My favorite part was when it said that while humans are eating salads sharks are searching for their meals. I would recommend this book for fishermen and fish lovers.

by Rebecca Stefoff

This book tells about owls, how they live and other facts. An owl is nocturnal. It cannot move its eyes so it moves its head instead. Owls can attack even eagles at night because eagles can’t see as well at night. I recommend this book for people who like animals.

Shark Life
by Peter Benchley

I remember learning in this book about the shark bite force and how much damage it can cause. This book tells you about sharks and how they live. My favorite story was when a shark jumped out of the water and dragged a deer in. I recommend that everyone read this book.

Colonial America interactive history adventure
by Allison Lassieur

I liked this book because of the stories in it. My favorite story was when you could become a soldier and fight. There are a lot of different endings in this book, over 23. I recommend this book for anyone who likes history.

Coral Snakes
by Linda George

I learned about a lot of snake parts. The eggs of a coral snake are enormous, but the snake is small and venemous. Its fangs are small. Biology loving kids should read this book.
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